Adem Bunkeddeko, candidate for congress in NY-9, talks about his vision and why he is running.
City council member and comptroller candidate Brad Landerspeaks to us about:
What the city council can do
What it's working on now
How you can make sure those things happen
And he also took a few questions.
Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams gives opening remarks for our April 2019 meeting:
Chinyelu Udoh for Civil Court Judge April 2019
Caroline Cohen for Civil Court Judge February 2019:
Jumaane Williams City Council Member and Candidate for Public Advocate December 2019:
Brooklyn Gubernatorial Forum Aug 2018:
Genesis Aquino DL candidate for AD 51 July 2018:
Doug Schneider DL candidate for AD 44 April 2018
See our 2018 Questionnaire Responses here: